Srinagar: As National Investigation Agency has summoned Kashmir High Court Bar Association president Mian Qayoom to New Delhi again, the lawyers’ body on Tuesday announced to go on strike from September 14
A spokesman of the Bar association said a general body meeting of its members was held in the High Court Bar Complex on Tuesday.
“All the members unanimously decided that since the NIA investigation and calling of Bar President to New Delhi, again, is aimed at to harass and humiliate the Bar Leadership and the purpose behind registration of the criminal case and raiding of houses of Pro-freedom leadership and their activists and dragging them to New Delhi, is to intimidate and threaten them so that they give up their support to the principled cause of people of Kashmir and their inalienable right of self-determination, therefore as a mark of protest, the Bar members shall observe strike on 14th of September 2017 and continue the same till the President would return back from Delhi,” a spokesman of the association said.
It was also decided that the lawyers would meet again in the morning of September 15 in the High Court Bar room to discuss the issue further, he said.
“Accordingly, all the members of the Bar Association Srinagar and other District and Mufassil Bar Associations are requested to observe complete strike on September14 when the President would be in New Delhi and continue the same till he returns back, from Delhi.”