Srinagar: Police has registered a case against BJP MLC Vikram Randhawa for allegedly trying to bribe journalists in Ladakh that has created an outrage. Journalists in the region had accused two BJP leaders of trying to pass on cash to journalists to ‘influence election results’.
On Wednesday court directed police to investigate the ‘matter under law’.
“Perusal and consideration of the material on record reveals prima facia commission of non cognizable offences punishable under Section 171E and 171F RPC warranting investigation,” the order by the chief Judicial Magistrate reads.
Leh deputy commissioner Anvy Lavasa said that for now, the FIR has been filed against Vikram Singh Randhawa.
“If there is evidence against any other individuals, during the course of the police investigation, they too shall be named as accused,” Lavasa added.
Randhawa has been booked under Section 171 E (punishment for bribery) and 171 F (punishment for undue influence or personation at an election) of the RPC.
Press Club Leh had urged Police of register a case against Bharatiya janata Party State President Ravindar Raina and MLC Vikram Randawa accusing them of trying to ‘bribe scribes’.
The journalist body wrote a letter to police saying that BJ P had held a presser in local hotel in Leh on May 2.
“After the press conference was over, BJP leaders including State President Ravinder Raina, and MLC Vikram Randhawa tried to bribe media persons by offering us money in envelopes,” the scribes have alleged.
They said that the attempt to bribe scribes was done ‘to use our platform to influence the outcome of the elections’.
“We did not accept the offer and rejected it outrightly and we showed our anguish at their attempt, (sic),” reads the letter sent to SHO Leh.
The journalist’s of Ladakh have condemned the incident and have asked to register the FIR against Raina and Randhawa for ‘violating Modal Code of Conduct and also for attempt to bribe journalists of Ladakh’.
“We would provide all the necessary support whenever required,” they said.