Srinagar: No private tour operator has been allowed Hajj quota hitherto by Ministry of Minority Affairs, Government of India, Divisional Commissioner Kashmir said on Saturday and urged all the aspirants not get swayed away by the advertisements issued by the private tour operators in the Kashmir Valley.
“It is hereby notified for the information of all those aspirants, who intend to undertake Holy Hajj Pilgrimage during Hajj-2019 through Private Tour Operators, that the Ministry of Minority Affairs, Govt. of India is yet to allot Hajj quota in favour of the registered Private Hajj Tour Operators in the country. As soon as the same is notified by the concerned Ministry, the general public shall be informed accordingly through print and electronic media,” reads a notification issued by the divisional commissioner Kashmir.
“As such, all such aspirants who intend to undertake Hajj Pilgrimage through Private Tour Operators are hereby advised not to get swayed away by the advertisements which are off and on being published in various local dailies for undertaking of Hai 2019 through Private Hajj Tour Operators.”