Jammu Kashmir Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti Wednesday met Minister for Road Transport & Highways, Shipping and Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation Nitin Jairam Gadkari in New Delhi and discussed several developmental projects for the state.
The Chief Minister on her twitter account informed about the meeting.
She wrote: “Had a fruitful meeting with @nitin_gadkari ji. Rapid development in J&K is paramount to India’s growth. We are greatly looking forward to starting the projects that were discussed. (sic)”.
Nitin Jairam Gadkari also tweeted a picture of the meeting saying that: “Today met J & K CM @MehboobaMufti ji and discussed about road infrastructure, irrigation projects in state. We also discussed about running steamer on Jhelum river. Our emphasis is on providing jobs to local youth through these developement projects. (sic).”
Jammu Kashmir’s Minister of Public Works Naeem Akhtar and other senior members of the JK Government were also present at the meeting.