Srinagar: The ruling PDP-BJP combine in Jammu and Kashmir on Tuesday said the real battle was not on the streets “but to combat and counter the deviation of the younger generation from the inherited values of our society.”
“Government is aware of the growing aspirations of our students, some of whom have secured outstanding achievements in academics, sports and many other fields. As regards our youth who have been influenced and misled into deviating from the path, the Government remains committed to weaning them away from the purveyors of violence,” Governor N N Vohra said in his address to both house of the state legislature on the first day of the budget session in Jammu. “Thus the real battle is not on the streets but to combat and counter the deviation of the younger generation from the inherited values of our society. Government is committed to patiently listening to the youth and to do everything to bring them back to the fold,” he added.
The address of the Governor contains a review of the activities and achievements of the government during the previous year and their policy with regard to important internal problems as well as a brief account of the programme of government business for the session.
“Sadly, the two enduring images of the happenings in 2016 have related to stone pelting mobs on the streets and pictures of those who had received pellet injuries. Thankfully, our children have since gone back to where they belong, to schools and colleges, and are now doing their best to do well in their studies and in other activities.”
He said a number of students were charged for stone pelting in recent years and as a good will gesture, to encourage the youth to return to their normal lives, government has announced an amnesty scheme for the first-time offenders. “As a part of this scheme, the process of withdrawal of cases, with the permission of the concerned Courts, has already been initiated.”
He said women and children are among those who have suffered the most from the recurring disturbances in the Valley. “Recognising its responsibility to rehabilitate the trauma affected children, Government has decided to promote their all round development and, as a part of this effort, the Juvenile Homes in Harwan and R.S. Pura are being upgraded to provide rehabilitative facilities for the affected children. Government has also established 22 Juvenile Police Units across all districts of the State. 8 Juvenile Justice Boards and 8 Observation Homes in eight districts are also being established, during the current fiscal. The facilities at the existing Orphanages are also being upgraded.”