Srinagar: Traffic police on Thursday asked various agencies, responsible for maintenance of Srinagar-Jammu highway, to make all out efforts for two-way traffic on the strategic thoroughfare, the only surface link connection Kashmir Valley with the rest of the world.
The directions to the highway maintenance agencies was given by Jagjit Kumar (IPS), IGP Traffic J&K during his to Qazigund, Banihal, Ramban and Udhampur areas in order to assess the status of the highway regarding restoration work and steps taken to ensure smooth flow of traffic, an ooficail spokesman said here.
During the visit, Kumar interacted with the officials of different road maintenance agencies engaged in the restoration work, especially at Sherbibi, Panthyal, Khooni Nalla, Gangroo, Mehad, Samroli, Modh Passi and Kheri.
“The concerned officials of the road maintenance agencies present on the spot were thoroughly briefed and emphasized for early completion of restoration work so that smooth flow of traffic on the highway is ensured,” the spokesman said.
They were also urged to make all out efforts in making the highway worthy for two-way traffic for unhindered movement of traffic, the spokesman said.
The concerned officers and officials assured that all the resources, at their disposal, shall be mobilized and requisite works shall be completed in a time bound manner for smooth flow of the traffic on the strategic thoroughfare.
Kumar was accompanied by SSP Traffic, Rural Kashmir and SSP Traffic National Highway, during the visit.