Srinagar: Authorities Sunday said that the restrictions will continue to be imposed in Kashmir on Monday to “maintain law and order” following the killing of Hizbul Mujahideen commander Sabzar Bhat in south Kashmir’s Tral on Saturday.
Inspector General of Police Inspector General of Police, Kashmir, Muneer Khan told KNS that restrictions will continue to be imposed on Monday in view of the situation arising after the killing of the HM militant.
“Tomorrow, restrictions like that of today will be imposed in the sensitive areas to maintain law and order,” Khan told KNS.
Meanwhile, the Director School Education Kashmir Dr. G N Itoo told KNS that all schools and colleges will remain closed tomorrow (Monday).
“All schools in Kashmir will be closed on Monday”, he told KNS.
Curfew-like restrictions were imposed in Khanyar, Nowhatta, Safakadal, M R Gunj, Rainawari, Kralkhud and Maisuma police station areas, while restrictions under section 144 in towns to prevent protests. Mobile internet and phone services were suspended in south Kashmir by the authorities.
Separatists have called for shutdown on Monday and ‘Tral Chalo’ on Tuesday.