When it comes to buying financial assets, it is crucial to conduct proper research and self-study? Consultation with a trusted and experienced financial professional is also highly recommended. It is important to recheck all the information before making any investment, as it involves hard-earned money and no one can give you anything for free.
Many investors fall into the trap of high lock-in period insurance policies. They get emotionally trapped without fully understanding the charges and the implications of such policies. Some agents also play on the negativity of the Indian stock market, instilling fear in the minds of normal investors.
One needs to understand that every year, the value of money declines due to inflation, which ranges from 5-7% per annum. Therefore, earning 6-7% on fixed insurance schemes does not make sense. The returns on investment should be in the double digits in order to beat inflation. This level of return is not achievable with assured guaranteed policies that come with high charges and lock-in periods.
It is important to understand where insurance companies put their money. They invest in the stock market through equity-linked schemes because the stock market offers opportunities for growth. It is essential to hold quality shares and mutual funds, which allow for flexibility and liquidity. Investors should have the ability to withdraw their money at any time, subject to market prices.
While term insurance and health insurance are important, it is crucial to use insurance for what it is meant for, and not expect returns from it. Investment should only be made in assets that offer flexibility, liquidity, low commission charges, and low expense ratios.
It is important to consult trusted financial professionals who can solve the investor’s problems and not prioritize their own interests. It is essential to analyze and compare before making any investment decisions. After all, nothing is free in this universe, and we have been given the ability to think and compare before making decisions about our hard-earned money.
In conclusion, saving and investing wisely is crucial. Proper planning and consultation with trusted financial professionals can make all the difference. It is important to understand the value of money and make informed decisions to secure a stable financial future.
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