Srinagar: Senior BJP leader and party spokesperson Dr Darakhshan Andrabi today said that ‘families’ tried to provoke people to disrupt law and order in Kashmir in August 2019 and challenged the security agencies and the central government.”But the people of Kashmir had understood the vicious designs of these sentimental exploiters acting in the robes and the make-up of the politicians and not only maintained peace and harmony but also expressed satisfaction over restrictions on them after August 5th, 2019,” said Dr Darakhshan. She said that huge people’s participation in polls was the public endorsement of the constitutional change in J&K. She praised the J&K State Election Commission and the LG administration for smooth conduct of DDC polls in J&K. “These have been the most peaceful elections with the highest voter turn over during the last three decades in Kashmir. In absence of the family control on administration for the first time, we saw violence-free and peaceful elections in Kashmir. BJP was not allowed to reach out to people and now everyone saw the attachment of the masses with the BJP in every part of Kashmir valley,” said BJP Spokesperson. Dr Andrabi said that making in-roads into every corner of the valley was too significant in many ways. This reach-out and this public association will increase continuously. “BJP will replace all the local groups doing parochial and narrow politics which has harmed the people’s interests for decades in J&K. In this era of information, people cannot be befooled anymore by spreading lies and trying to exploit them on the basis of these lies,” said Darakhshan.