Srinagar: The students of 11th standard of Kashmir Valley on Friday demanded change in date sheet, saying that they have not been given enough time to prepare to write the examination scheduled to begin next weekend.
The students, whose examinations of class 11 starts on December 12 as per the datesheet issued by Jammu and Kashmir State Board of School Education (JKBOSE) said that they are not given enough time between the papers for preparation.
“We are not against the exams. The time-gap between the papers is not enough for preparation,” a student said.
“Our first paper is English and is scheduled on December 12 while the Biology with a huge syllabus is just two days later,” the student said. “Under normal circumstance the time gap was not the problem but given the problems faced by us amid pandemic, the time gap ought to more.”
Another student said: “How can we complete Chemistry and Biology syllabus in two days, both subjects have huge syllabus.”
The students demanded change in datesheet to provide for more time gaps between the subjects so that they can perform well in the examinations.