TRAL: Six years since the construction of new building of Animal husbandry department in Tral commenced. farmers and livestock holders are irked as they fear ‘the project has been shelved’.
The construction work began in 2013, under National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) by Roads & buildings department (R&B).
The work, locals say, continued for two years till 2015.
Officials at the Animal Husbandary department confided that in 2015, ‘higher ups’ ordered to stop work at the site, reason known to them only.
“Works since then has been stopped,” he said.
The delay has taken toll on the livestock holders who had been waiting for the center, so to mitigate their issues of caring cattle.
Farmers told INS that at the time of disease out-break among the cattle, locals face various problems as the department lacks infrastructure and other facilities to cater the animals of sub district.
A senior doctor in AH deptt. Tral Dr. Mudasir Ahmad told INS that department is already in dire need of infrastructure to treat the cattle.
“The completion of work on new building will mitigate various issues in the department,” he believes.