Pulwama: An Upper Primary School (UPS) at Wahab-Soob Shaar-Shaali village in Pampore is has eighty students but only two rooms to function from. Students suffer and staff struggles to manage classes efficiently. Interestingly the education department is asking locals to help the school and to provide land.
They also refute claims that there are only two rooms and say ‘there are three rooms for 80 students’.
Established in 1981, the school was upgraded to middle school (Upper Primary) however, the department never took the serious initiative to upgrade the infrastructure.
An insider at the education department told INS that the condition of school is well known to officials.
“Eighty students clubbed in two rooms, how can you expect a higher quality of education,” locals said.
The locals as well as students said that their pleas to concerned authorities “have fallen to deaf ears’.
They are demanding an immediate construction of building to mitigate their problems.
Chief Education Officer (CEO), Pulwama, Naseer Ul Gani, told INS that there is shortage of land near the school due to which they couldn’t undertake any construction process.
“Community should provide land to get the things possible in the school,” Gani said.
Gani however refuted claims that there are only two rooms, he said: “There are three rooms for 80 students’.