Pulwama:Inhabitants of Rahmoo village of pulwama held protest and block pulwama srinagar road against PDD department sub division Newa neglected us from last 3 years.
Newa sub division taken two lakh rupees of money and said we will give you a new transformer to this mollah but from three years not new transformer will given to village said one of inhabitant
We have facing hardships last two years lone transformer of 63 KV for two mollahs at least 150 household which burn two times in a month and arrange money of our own pockets to restore it .
We will give a new 100 KV transformer to the Mollah but you have to pay 2 lakh for it we did it but two years ago today tommorow the only word we hear today we break our patience protest against this injustice said another villager.
When contacted Xen PDD pulwama me manzoor we have taken the issue with higher ups very soon we will get them new 100 kv and this issue will be sortout
When asked regarding rupees he added it is totally baseless