Srinagar: The Government on Sunday disallowed the Awami Action Committee worker’s rally at the party Headquarters Mirwaiz Manzil Rajouri Kadal and unfurling of the party flag at hawal chowk in connection with the Hafta-e-Shahadat (martyr’s week) by imposing strict curfew and restrictions in majority of downtown areas for the second consecutive day on Sunday and keeping the patron of the party Mirwaiz Umar Farooq under house arrest.
In the statement issued here, AAC said many workers and delegates from different districts of Jammu and Kashmir were scheduled to participate. However the ruling regime imposed strict curbs and barred people from reaching Rajouri Kadal as all roads were sealed with concertina wires and the heavy deployment of police and CRPF men, it said.
Strongly protesting the government’s decision of disallowing the rally AAC also strongly condemned the continuous house detention of its patron Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, since past three days. AAC termed the government decision of disallowing rally as dictatorial and vengeful.
Huge participation of people in the previous programs of Hafta-e-Shahadat unnerves the rulers as it brings to fore peoples committed to the mission of martyrs. The statement said that leaders like Shaheed-e-Milat and Shaheed-e-Hurriyat sacrificed their lives for a great and sacred people’s cause and every citizen of Kashmir was duty bound to honour and take forward the mission of martyrs.