Srinagar police on Wednesday sought a general help in tracing a missing person, who is missing from May 2, 2018.
The spokesman said as per the report lodged in Police Station Nigeen, one person namely Mohammad Rafiq Sofi, son of Ghulam Hussain, a resident of Zaildar Mohalla Saidakadal, Srinagar, age about 35 years is missing from his home from May 2nd.
In this regard, a missing report was diarised in Police Station Nigeen and search to trace out the missing person has been started.
Anybody having any information regarding the missing person may kindly inform Police Station Nigeen on 9596770590, 9596770870,906688998 or PCR Srinagar on 9596222550, 9596222551 or Police Control Room Kashmir on 100.