The government Tuesday ordered the following transfers and postings:
- Masarat Math, KAS, Assistant Commissioner Revenue, Srinagar, was transferred and posted as Deputy Direct., Tourism, Kashmir, vice Peerzada Zahoor Ahmad.
- Peerzada Zahoor Ahmad, KAS, Deputy Director, Tourism, Kashmir, under orders of transfer as Deputy Director, Information, Kashmir, is transferred and posted as Assistant Commissioner Revenue, Srinagar, vice Masarat Hashmi.
- Vinakshi Koul, KAS, Assistant Commissioner Revenue, Jammu Municipal Corporation, was transferred and posted as General Manager, IKTDC, Jammu, vice AnJu Gupta, KAS, who shall await further orders of posting in the office of Divisional Commissioner, Jammu.
- Reyaz Ahmad Shah, KAS, Magistrate, is transferred and posted as Deputy Director, Tourism, Kashmir, against an available vacancy.
- Sarfaraz, KAS, Magistrate, Pattan, was transferred and posted as Deputy Director, Kashmir, against an available vacancy.
- Sanjay Pandits, Under Secretary in the J&K Public Service Commission, was transferred and posted as Under Secretary to the Government, Tourism.