Syria: As Bashar al Assad led army warplanes bombarded Eastern Ghouta, killing at least 70 people, The White Helmets and Syrian Observatory for Human Rights SOHR said at least 30 people appeared to be suffocating from suspected “chlorine attack” attack that struck the area on Monday night, Aljazeera reported.
Quoting a monitor the report said that the humanitarian aid convoy has failed to unload supplies to residents trapped inside the enclave.
“The day has been described as the “bloodiest” day since a Russian-sponsored truce failed at stopping the onslaught and since a UN Security Council resolution was unsuccessful at implementing a 30-day ceasefire, Syrian government forces resumed the shelling of the Damascus suburb for the 16th consecutive day on Tuesday,” Aljazeera reported.
“The report quotes SOHR saying the bombardment of the enclave has killed more than 70 civilians since Monday evening.”
The killings come after 46 trucks sent by the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC), the Syrian Arab Red Crescent and the UN had managed to pass through a government-controlled checkpoint for the first time in nearly a month. But aid workers said the Syrian army confiscated many of the supplies on board.
According to Mahmoud Adam, a spokesperson for the Syrian Civil Defense, also known as the White Helmets, said at least 30 people appeared to be suffocating from an attack that struck the area on Monday night and the suspected “chlorine attack” targeted residential areas, the Aljazeera report says.