American think tank Pew Research Centre said on Saturday more than 60 per cent respondents of a survey believe that the Government of India should use more military force in Jammu and Kashmir.
“When it comes to dealing with the disputed border regions of Jammu and Kashmir, the Indian public favors an aggressive stance. A 63% majority believes the government should be using more military force. Few say India should use less force or even the same amount as it is using now,” the research document reads.
According to the survey conducted by the Pew Research Centre, while 63 percent of the respondents were in favour of using more military force in Jammu and Kashmir, 64 per cent had a “very unfavourable” view of Pakistan, which was nine per cent higher compared to the previous year.
“This was up by nine per cent compared to the last year,” Bruce Stokes, Global Director of the Economic Attitudes of the Pew Research Centre, said during an interaction with reporters at the American Center.
The survey, conducted between February 21 and March 10, sought the views of 2,464 people across the country, in both urban and rural areas.
According to the survey, more than eight in 10 Indians said economic conditions were “good” in the country, despite the Centre’s decision to scrap high-value currency notes in November last year.