Srinagar: Former minister in NDA government and working president of National Conference Omar Abdullah on Friday said that BJP can’t pick the parts of the Instrument of Accession signed by the Maharaja that suits its polices and eschew responsibility for the rest.
“I love how when it suits them they quote the Instrument of Accession signed by the Maharaja. What about the part guaranteeing J&K’s autonomy?” Omar wrote on twitter.
“You can’t pick the parts of the Instrument of Accession that suit the politics of the BJP while conveniently abrogating responsibility for the rest,” Omar said, reacting to MoS Home Hansraj’s statement Pakistan administered Kashmir was part of India as per agreement made by Maharaja Hari Singh.
“(PaK) is part of India as per agreement made by Maharaja Hari Singh but it has been under Pakistani occupation. Under leadership of PM Modi we have the power & will to solve this matter. PM is working in this direction & it will be resolved soon,” the MoS had said.