Jammu: Indian Minister of State for Statistics and Programme Implementation Vijay Goel on Friday said the government of India was working relentlessly for time bound completion of various centrally sponsored projects including Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla rail link, Chenab bridge, Anji bridge, 220 KV Srinagar-Leh Transmission System, Pakul-Dul hydro electric project, four-laning of National Highway from Jammu Bypass to Udhampur Bypass, Udhampur to Chenani, Nashri to Ramban and Quazigund to Banihal section.
The Minister was addressing a press conference after reviewing the status of projects in J&K being executed by Central Sector Public Enterprises including Railways, NHAI, Power Grid, and Chenab Valley Power Project Ltd.
The Minister further informed that the Railways would construct the first cable stayed bridge in India on Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla rail link- named as Anji Bridge. He said the rail line would have 38 tunnels, 927 bridges and iconic Chenab Bridge to provide all-weather rail connectivity to the people of the State.
He said that strict instructions have been passed to the officers of Chenab Valley Power Projects Private Ltd. to complete the re-tendering process of 1000 MW Pakul-Dul Hydro Electric Project soon. The Power Grid has been directed to resolve the issues hampering construction of 220 KV Srinagar-Leh Transmission System costing Rs. 2,352.27 crore, he added.
The Minister said the four-laning of NH from Jammu Bypass to Udhampur Bypass (64.5 Km) has been completed at the cost of Rs. 2,619 crore and other work on four-laning of 39 km long section from Udhampur to Chenani and Nashri to Ramban costing Rs. 2,136.97 crore, Ramban to Banihal section costing Rs 2,168.66 crore and Quazigund to Banihal section costing Rs. 2,414 is in full swing.