Srinagar: The state cabinet which met here today under the chairpersonship of Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti accepted the report of the high level committee headed by the Chief Secretary laying out a roadmap for absorption/regularization of Casual/Seasonal Labourers/ Daily Rated Workers so as to ensure sustainable livelihood to thousands of persons and engagements which were made from time to time.
The cabinet asked the Finance Department to workout concrete measures to operationalize the roadmap to meet the long-standing demand of such engaged persons.
The cabinet also approved creation of 20 teaching and non-teaching posts for the two Schools of Architecture established in the State.
The newly created posts include two posts of Professor and HoD in the pay scale of 37400-67000+10000, four posts of Associate Professors in the scale of 37400-67000+19000, eight posts of Assistant Professor in the pay scale of 15600-39100+6000, two posts of Lab/Workshop Assistants in the scale of 5200-20200+2800, two posts of Accounts Assistants in the scale of 5200-20200+2800 and two posts of Computer Assistants in the scale of 5200-20200+1900.
Pertinently, the schools of Architecture have been established at Government MAM College, Jammu and Abdul Ahad Azad Memorial Degree College, Bemina, Srinagar and are affiliated with the University of Jammu and University of Kashmir respectively.
Registered with Council of Architecture (CoA), these schools will be offering 5 years Bachelor of Architecture course with an intake capacity of 40 seats.
It also approved creation 25 faculty positions for the Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMS), Srinagar.
The newly created posts include one post of Director in the scale of 37400-67000+AGP 10000, Professor Mathematics in the scale of 37400-67000+AGP 10000, Associate Professor Mathematics in the scale of 37400-67000+AGP 9000, four posts of Assistant Professor Mathematics in the scale 15600-39100 +AGP 60000, three posts of Assistant Professor Physics in the scale 15600-39100 +AGP 6000, three posts of Assistant Professor Computer Application in the scale 15600-39100 +AGP 6000, one post of Assistant Professor Humanities in the scale of 15600-39100 +AGP 6000, one post each of Accounts Assistant, Senior Assistant, Computer Assistant, Library Assistant and Library Bearer and two posts each of Library Assistant, Laboratory Bearer and Orderly.
It also approved creation of different categories of posts for J&K Legislative Council Secretariat and J&K Legislative Assembly Secretariat.
The newly created posts in the Legislative Council Secretariat include one post of Private Secretary to the Chairman, Accounts Officer, Assistant Information Officer, Jr Legal Assistant, Jr. Librarian, Watch and Ward (W&W) Inspector, W&W Sub-Inspector, Jr. Scale Stenographer (Urdu), Jr. Scale Stenographer (Hindi), Assistant Marshal, Data Entry Operator, Dispatch Rider and 04 posts of Watch and Ward Staff (Class IV).
For the Legislative Assembly Secretariat, the newly created posts include two Estates Officers, one Under Secretary, one Information Officer, One Protocol Officer and one Translator.
To give a major fillip to the entrepreneurship and innovation and to engage youngsters in the industrial sector, the cabinet also approved the scheme for setting up of Start-up Hubs and Incubators in Plug-n-Play model with initial capital infusion of Rs 5 crore through Higher Education institutions.
Under the scheme, an 11 Member State Level Empowered Committee will be setup as a decision making body for establishment of Start-up Hub, to periodically monitor the performance of the Start-up Ecosystem and to take decisions about the modifications in the scheme guidelines as may be necessary.
Start-up Hub will have two parallel Centers, one at EDI Pampore in Kashmir and the other initially in the office of J&K EDI at Udyog Bhawan, Railhead in Jammu to be finally shifted to permanent Campus of the J&K EDI being established at Bari Brahman Jammu.
14 institutions in Jammu and 15 in Kashmir including Ladakh and Kargil have been proposed as Incubators which will function under the platform of a designated Start-up Hub which will function as a Nodal Agency.
The Nodal Agency will perform a variety of functions like holistic networking for all the Incubators, entrepreneurship development agencies, academic institutions, R&D centers, industrial bodies and associations and funding/financing entities.
It also approved absorption of employees of erstwhile Jammu and Kashmir Cooperation Consumer Federation Ltd (CONFED) in the Cooperative Department.
The cabinet also approved granting of one more chance to the BOPEE selected Patwaries who could not qualify the trainees Departmental Examination conducted by the Financial Commissioner, Revenue, J&K.
It also approved Jammu and Kashmir Rights of Persons with Disabilities Ordinance, 2017.
The promulgation of the ordinance will provide for increase in the disabilities from existing 7 to 21 and increase in the reservation percentage (horizontal from 3 to 4 %).
The legislation is expected to immensely benefit PWDs through interventions, education, development skills and preventive care etc.
The Cabinet called for extending the scheme for specially-abled children in the non-government educational institutions as well.