Srinagar: Demanding release of Ala Fazili, a Kashmir University scholar summoned by National Investigation Agency, KU Students Union Tuesday said that they will launch a state wide protests if he is not ‘immediately released’.
In a statement issued to press banned students body said that the summoning of Ala is a ‘pressure tactic to creas fear psychosis among students.
“Since India knows that the student community is at the forefront of freedom moment and are enough bold to challenge the illegal occupation, to curb this India is using NIA as a new weapon of war trying to intimidate those who resist,” the statement reads.
KUSU questioned varsity authorities over allowing the federal agency to enter the campus to deliver the summon notice to Ala at his department. “We are in a fix to understand that Kashmir University being an autonomous institute, how did the Vice Chancellor and the Chief Proctor allow police officials from police station Nigeen to enter the campus to bring NIA notice.”
“If Aala is not released immediately, KUSU will organise state wide protests and government will be responsible for the outcome,” statement said.
Varsity students Tuesday morning protested inside the campus against the summoning of KU scholar.