Srinagar: Police on Tuesday rejected as baseless a report doing rounds on social media that a person involved in braid-chopping was caught but later rescued by army in Malwan area of south Kashmir’s Kulgam district.
“Appropos to a news being circulated on social media where in it was stated that ‘hair chopper was caught in Malwan Kulgam but army came and rescued him’. District Police authorities Kulgam has clarified that yesterday evening at about 8pm when 9 RR cordoned off few houses in village Malwan, some miscreants started spreading rumour that army has rescued hair cutter from one house.
It was also clarified from the house owners that they didn’t catch any hair cutter neither army rescued anyone from their home,” a police spokesman said, adding that rumourmongers were taking advantage of situation “to create fear psychosis amongst people.”
“These anti-social elements will be dealt with sternly under legal provisions,” he said, adding, “We appeal reasonable and respected people to come forward and cooperate with police to ensure curbing these elements and their activities.”