Srinagar: The Jammu and Kashmir High Court on Wednesday granted “last and final opportunity” of ten days to the government for filing a counter-affidavit to the plea challenging detention under Public Safety Act of Ali Muhammad Sagar, General Secretary of National Conference.
As the hearing of the plea started before Justice Sindhu Sharma, Senior Additional Advocate General B. A. Dar sought ten days to file the counter affidavit.
The court granted the time as “last and final opportunity of ten days” and also directed him to submit the report in terms of the order dated 3 April 2020.
On April 3, the court had directed the Government to consider the bail of Sagar having regard to health grounds and submit the report on the next date of hearing.
On the previous date of hearing, the court had directed state counsel to keep available detention record even it granted the administration three more weeks to file a response to the petition.
The application filed by his son stated that Sagar is an old aged person and is suffering from hypertension and orthopaedic complications.
“The applicant (Sagar) has developed a severe cardio vascular ailment during his detention since August 6,” reads the application filed by his counsel Advocate Shuja-ul-Haq.