Srinagar: Accusing CEO Jammu Kashmir Cricket Academy of changing the nature of the organistation by resorting to autocratic and despotic means, senior first class cricketers have alleged that the observations by Supreme court are being violated.
They called the situation in the academy as ‘grim’.
“We first class cricketers have enough qualifications to hold any post under the Lodha Panel recommendations and most of us did for one year. We put all our efforts to held CEO in affairs of JKCA for about one year before it became apparent that CEO was in no mood to hand over the reins of JKCA to the elected members or cricketers of the state,” they said in a statement.
They claimed that CEO had and has plans of establishing himself as the president of JKCA through proxy elections after changing the basic constitution of JKCA in ‘dubios and clandestine ways.’
Allegations were levelled against CEO that in the garb of implememation of Lodha Panel recommendations, CEO JKCA has become totally despotic in working.
” He has over stepped his mandate of the J&K High court. if we read the order, we will understand what was CEO supposed to do and in what time frame,” they said.
Explaining there view the disgruntled cricketers said that CEO was supposed to facilitate smooth elections as per LPR with in a period of two months while as nearly 20 months have passes since.
“In the name of elections, CEO has changed the basic fabric of JKCA which has been under scored by SC as ‘Not to be changed’,” they said.
According to them CEO had to faciiltate work of ombudsman to addressing the various disputes amongst member, affiliated clubs.
” What CEO has done is that he has dissolved these affiliated clubs memberships. Again, which goes against the basic spirit of the SC directions,” they accused.
“It is also true that we hav been wanting JKCA to increase the number of affiailtated clubs as it had not been changed since inception. This had to be doen as per constitution of JKCA not on any arbitrary whim of a stop-gap CEO,” they said in the statement.
Things came to a head when, senior cricketers were denied entry in the SK Cricket Stadium recently.
“Is this what SC had in mind when it observed Cricket to Cricketerss,” they complained.