Srinagar: The family of slain Jamat-e-Islami associate, who was allegedly killed in police custody have denied taking back his body from the Police Control Room in Srinagar. They say ‘they arrested him from home, bring him to home’.
“We will not take his body from PCR or any other police establishment,” Mudassir Asad, brother of slain said.
He said that his brother was detained from his home and his body should be brought to his home.
“They arrested him from home and they should bring back his body,” Mudassir said.
Rizwan was arrested by the Jammu and Kashmir police late Sunday evening during a raid. He was shifted to CARGO in Srinagar, the Special Operations Group headquarters where he was being questioned for alleged militant links.
According to police, Rizwan died during the intervening night of Monday and Tuesday.
However, Mudassir said that the police is peddling lies and that he was killing in “cold blood”.