Srinagar: A day after K K Sharma assumed the charge, the governor on Friday allotted among advisors portfolios otherwise exercisable by a Minister in respect of the various Departments.
As per a notification issued by the government, Advisor Vyas retains the Planning and Development; Ladakh Affairs while he got election, disaster management, revenue, food civil supplies & consumer affairs, tribal affairs.
The new advisor Sharma was given PHE/I&FC power development, Finance; Housing and Urban Development; information technology, industries and commerce, science and technology.
The departments of Home; Forests; Youth Services and Sports; Health and Medical Education; health and medical education; Hospitality and Protocol; Estates, Information, Law Justice and Parliamentary Affairs were allocated to Advisor Kumar.
Khurshed Ganie was allotted departments of school education, Higher Education; transport; Haj and Auqaf; Technical education, floriculture; animal and sheep husbandry, Cooperative; tourism ; culture, social welfare and labour& employment