Srinagar: The Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board has postponed the objective test for general teachers scheduled on Saturday and has rescheduled it on May 27. On Saturday, Prime Minister of India is arriving on a one-day visit to Jammu and Kashmir and the joint resistance leadership has called for Lal Chowk Chalo on the day and that there is possibility of security hassles.
“It is notified for the information of the candidates, that the Objective Type Written Test scheduled on 19th May, 2018 (Saturday) for Advertisement No 06/2017/02, 06/2017/06, 06/2017/07 and 06/2017/10 (General Teacher) is hereby postponed and shall now be conducted on 27th May, 2018(Sunday). The “Time of examination” of the said written test shall now be read as 12:00 noon to 02:00 pm,” reads a notice issued here by JKSSB. “The “Reporting time at Centre” shall now be read as 11:00 am. Admit cards already downloaded by the candidates would be valid for 27th May, 2018(Sunday).