Jammu: In an apparent reference to Hurriyat Conference leaders, the governor NN Vohra on Thursday asked New Delhi’s Special Representative, Dineshwar Sharma, to sustain the dialogue and “hear one and all, particularly elements of the society who apparently held contrary convictions.”
Sharma, met Governor N.N. Vohra at the Raj Bhavan here on Thursday evening.
Sharma is currently visiting the State and meeting representatives of different sections of society, student organizations, political parties, social and religious groups etc.
“Sharma informed Governor about his talks with various individuals and groups in the Valley and the major concerns which had been voiced by those he had met on his first visit to Kashmir,” an official spokesman said here .
“Governor suggested to Sharma that, notwithstanding any initial reservations in some groups, he must sustain the dialogue and hear one and all, particularly elements of the society who apparently held contrary convictions,” the spokesman added.