Srinagar: Jama’at e Islami Tuesday said that Dineshwar Sharma should “impress’ upon ‘the government of India’ not waste ‘time and economy’ as ‘this long standing human and political issue can be resolved forever keeping the ground realities and wishes of the entire people of J&K in view’.
“At this juncture, when the Indian interlocutor Mr. Dineshwar Sharma has reached the valley with some agenda, Jama’at considers it proper to reiterate its stand that the final solution to the Kashmir issue can be sort by honoring the aspirations of the concerned people. The procedure for reaching a just conclusion can either be adopted as given in the UNSC resolutions or all the three parties can, by mutual deliberations find a viable way,” JeI said in a statement.
JeI said that as far as the Kashmir Issue is concerned, it came into being when the Indian army entered the valley and occupied a part of J&K, the then Indian government made a pledge before the United Nations Security Council through a number of resolutions that as soon as the congenial atmosphere is established, the people of the entire J&K would be given a free chance to choose their political future but despite the passage of a long period of seventy years, this chance is yet to be provided to the oppressed people.
“Now the government of India is denying even the disputed nature of Kashmir. The special status given to Jammu and Kashmir with legal sanctities has also been gradually eroded to the point of its becoming ineffective. This attitude can neither help in establishing the durable peace nor make any change in the present uncertain scenario here,” JeI said.
According to Jei it is indispensable to accept the real nature of the Issue and take concrete steps for its permanent and just resolution.
“By applying the military might or implementing the black laws, the durable peace has never been so far established nor there is any such possibility in the future. But the best way to establish peace is to accept the ground reality and allow the oppressed people to decide their fate ultimately in a fair and democratic atmosphere,” reads the statement issued.
“To exercise this just option all the three parties to the dispute-India, Pakistan and Kashmiri people should sit together to find a solution acceptable to the concerned people and fulfilling their aspirations,” statement reads.