Srinagar: A police official was shot dead by militants at Padgampora village of Awanatipora in south Kashmir’s Pulwama district on Monday evening. The police official, who’s Munshi of police station Awantipora, was attending a marriage function of a relative when militants asked him to accompany them before attacking him in Padgampora village.
Reports said militants fired upon Head Constable Ashiq Hussain at a distance from the marriage function, leaving him critically injured. Hussain was shifted to nearby hospital but succumbed before he could be admitted, they said. Police, army and CRPF reached the spot and launched manhunt to nab the assailants, they said. However when this report was filed, no arrests were made.
In last year’s unrest following Hizb Commander Burhan Wani’s killing, militants had attacked his house at Kral Check Newa Pulwama. Except minor damages to house, there was no casualty in the incident, they added.